
FREE Webinar: Introducing IFS Aurena : 3 business use cases to highlight the future

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Changes to the well-established and liked IFS User Experience (UX) were never going to be easy, however we are now seeing more customers identifying with tangible benefits of the new Aurena UX. The browser hosted UX of Aurena opens many avenues of opportunity, and in this webinar you’ll see some of the practical use cases in three real business situations. This helps to achieve benefits that are simply impossible just with Enterprise Explorer. We will also provide you with our view on how the Aurena UX can fit into the way you work and provide a framework to help make the changeover easier.

Oliver Franks, Solution Consultant at Anthesis, outlines some of the main features and benefits of Aurena and how this is crucial in moving to either Applications 10 or even IFS Cloud. In this webinar you can also expect us to give you more information about IFS’ roadmap and to answer a few questions around moving to the new world of web-based business applications.

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